OK, things are starting to wined down. I am happy bout that. As you can see Chase published two blogs through sail mail. I have to tell you, and I'm sure i will sound like an idiot, but i don't know what a sunspot is, i will find out and be that much more enlightened. I cant tell you just how happy i am that the computers are working out this well. I know my good friend Bill Meyers is stoked too.
Richard put some hydraulic fluid in to the system. The whole set up on Addiction is really strange, the fill spot is like an inch from the bulkhead, so there is no way to just poor the fluid in. Richard was going to set up some elaborate hose and funnel system, but then we thought it would be easier to use a medical syringe minus the needle. What do you know, that worked out just fine, a little slow, but no clean up. Also Chase reinstalled the stereo he dismantled back in Hawaii. We thought it was broken but it just turned out that the ground had become ungrounded, so now we have music. My mom came down to the boat with some of our canned food, our cup-a-noddle, box milk, and breakfast food. For those that don't know, cup-a-noddle is a staple when doing any open ocean crossing. My mom is doing a really good job getting all the goodies for the trip, she has also found us some good deals, so that's a bonus!
Other then that we have had a lot of visitors come by the boat lately asking odd question, such as how much excess weight in food do we have on board, what type of weather program do we have, how many reefs are in the main and how many mains do we have on board, how many spinnakers do we have and what are the sizes, and it goes on. See now first off i think why does this random person want to know these things? Why do they care? And should i care about these questions regarding other boats. And well the answer is i don't need to know that sort of crap about other peoples boats. And that goes the same with Addiction. So when random people, that i have no idea who they are ask these thing, i have started to say, well I'm pretty sure we have around 4 mains on board, and well i think i may have forgot a few spinnaker's back in Hawaii so its passable there could only be 2 spinnakers below. They usually look at me like I'm crazy and walk away.
Our Mahalo pupu party was a great time!! My mom organized a killer get together. We hand lots of food, wine and fun! Rick Ross from Marina Riggers and his lady friend came down, as well as Debbie our host, she brought some delicious Salmon she smoked herself, and a lovely bottle of almond infused champagne, we are going to save that one for the half way party. Duncan showed up with some fresh berry's, he brought his friend Zack Zorne (sp?). Zack is the man you need to talk to if you are on this side doing the race and you want to ship some gear back to Hawaii, he has a container. Space is available on a first come bases. If you would like to get a hold of him i think you can call the Marine Shipyard. Two of my friends from the Shoreline Yacht Club, Richard and Jim came over to wish us luck, as well as our slip neighbors Berry and Sharl. My Uncle AL stopped by too. Along with a few other well wishers the evening was a hit. Thank you to all that came, sucks to be those that didn't.
Stay tuned for the next blog as we are going for a sail to test out the new kites and also taking out some press people. LA
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