Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Some photos from Sally Ewing via Bill Myers

The Captain is ready to go!

Off the dock.

At the start line.


  1. howdy seafarererers :-), Lindsey, Donna, Richard & guys
    it is so cool that you are out there in the mighty Pacific doing the Transpac,Lindsey I think you spell grate! Richard you are a grand uncle, my son Chris had a baby so you now can take on a new "handle"
    Nick says Hi and says "put zinc on your nose" Have you seen any whales, have the dolphins come back by, be safe, take "good" care
    love & aloha Steve, Cathy & Nick

  2. Hi you guys!! We are keeping track of you guys. We hope all is well and that you are staying safe. We are so proud of you all...see you when you get here.
    PS: Adam gave you a huge grin Lindsey. :)

    lots of love and aloha
    Scott, Sheena, Mariah and Adam

  3. Aloha Lindsey, RIchard, Donna, Mike and Chase,

    It is great to follow you on your blog site. Sure sounds like you are doing great and chalking up the miles. Just think how great the Lau Lau is going to taste when you arrive home. In reading the blogs it is evident that the crew is tight and balanced... that is a great thing. Well you are missed at the 800 dock as most of us neighbors were hanging around, we had a great sail on Eola and a fun time at the WYC BBQ,,, of course we only ate freeze dried food in your honor. The fireworks were also great as usual, I look forward to your return and the great stories... Mike good luck catching a bigger fish... and sail on strong addiction! Warmest Aloha - Jack Brennan EOLA slip 803...foreva!
